Sunday, April 12, 2009

Watch this

Saturday, April 11, 2009

He is risen

The message of Easter
rings out loud and clear
like bells in a steeple
proclamations to be heard.

That Jesus
who was slain
has risen from the dead
and by so doing
He has redeemed us as well.

Sepulchers could not hold
The Son of God in flesh
By His resurrection
He has broken
the dominion of death..

'Now these things are written
that you might believe
that Jesus is the Christ,...
and that by believing,
You too may have life'.


Like a snail
i plod
my destination
to make.
I carry along
all that i need to take.
I look back now and then
at the trails i leave behind.
Some reek of anger
some of hate
a few are uneven
leading to disgrace.
I frown as i look back
on the trails i have left behind
is there not a trail left
that could be followed
in time?
The ones that follow
need trails that will guide .
now i realize
I have
to mend my own life to
leave blazing trails behind.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Still in love

I have been so much in love

these past twenty two years.

Fallen in love… thrice , these past years.

It was love at first sight as far as I was concerned

they hold me captive, all these years hence.

Their eyes held innocence and beauty so rare

i drowned in their eyes to see mine reflected in theirs.

Their skin so soft as i held them to my breast

raining kisses on them to my hearts content .

Their smiles like little lamps shining out of the dark

i learned to smile broader as i watched them glow bright.

Their silly ways always turned to be my delight

i always enjoyed being made a clown in their sight.

I'm still so much in love with this set of three

God-given treasures entrusted to my keep.

Now, they are all grown up it gratifies me

To know THEY LOVE ME TOO, intensely.

As they go out into the world,, these little loves of mine

I pray that God's presence always carries them on.

And if today, HE asks me if i have done them well

I know i can truly say

" Lord by your grace, i gave them my best".

Two poems.. Another Good Friday

Not the nails
But holding Him to the cross
a love that seeks out
the lonely, the lost.
Asking nothing in return
having given it all.
Paying the price for sins
over the ages
in the years to come.
A redemptive work finished
for all mankind. .
To accept means eternity...
to reject... untold loss.
Jesus...ridiculed , rejected

Savior divine



Drawing to the cross I see

Jesus hanging on

For the last person to see.

One more Good Friday

This is my 49th Good Friday. Technically speaking its my say.. well well ..lemme think.. when i was small memories are fogged.. i guess i can safely say this is my 4oth Good Friday. I remember Maundy Thursday .. the hot cross buns..and the appams mom made and we had some strange ritual.. strange now that i look back.. we kids enjoyed that..kicking and pinching of Judas.. for us the appam signified Judas..and Judas was bad ..very bad.. He had committed the most deplorable act..that of betrayal. And that too of Jesus. Jesus. The very epitome of all that was good. How could Judas be so dumb? and for such a paltry sum? As i grew up the rituals lost their lure. .I started to think upon hard facts.Who was Jesus? Who was Judas? Why were their lives of importance to me? Was it 'coz i belonged to a Christian family? It took me years to realize the impact of Jesus in my life and in that of many others. The realization was not a bolt of thunder.. nor a stroke of lightning.. it was a slow learning process.. of the Scriptures and so much of time spent in self seeking. Today i have no doubt. Jesus really did come to save mankind from all his sins.He is the Son of God..not just another prophet nor any other to come.He has walked on earth the way i was.. born in flesh and blood..tempted in every way..yet without sin.He alone has been able to pay the price of my sins on that cruel cross ..redeeming me and all those who would just be simple enough to trust in Him. He has finished the redemptive work and no other sacrifice can really atone for the whole of humanity anymore. God's plan has been completed in HIM and it is not for us to add to His work nor take away from it. But it is for to trust..and obey and follow.
I am glad i had one more Good Friday to celebrate. I am glad of the Easter that follows. The victory it speaks of.